

for a long time i held the ghazal in confusion... in The Shape of the Journey by Jim Harrison there are many pages of his ghazals that i often read off and on just skipping around. when i look in other places (the space aged intranet) i get alot of mumbo jumbo and rules about meter, line matching, and so much more... for me a ghazal is observing... even if you don't know that you are in the act of observing... & much like rz stated: surprise. each line to me seems to be its own poem and can take the reader on journey in just two line bitties.

and now... el vik's all-star selections:

from the voice of el aventurero:

i can't rewind the news. did they say
they found a way to get the blood out?

tell me the name of that building, and that one, wonderful,
can we go inside, towards the echo of it being built

clocks keep their faces and hands behind glass
before that there had been too many robberies

i chewed on window sills as a child, it was a class in school
instead of recess, where they put the true believers

my heart is useless
unless it's making love

from the voice of la haba lima:

The world clicks around the sidestreets in new heels.
She shakes her way into another week.

mischief sleeps without underwear beneath a black comforter
another hometown rejects its prophet

i live in a puzzle and God
dropped some of the pieces on his oriental carpet

because i'm halfway across the world for a sleepless night
thinking about my tax money (going towards that)

There are gym shoes, taxis, and staplers in every color.
The rainbow left its lover in the bathtub smoking cloves.

from the voice of humanista:

The office pleads with me, begging me
Okay fine, I'll push your plastic buttons

As the day moped on we mingled body parts under slick sheets
We couldn't hear the rain but could feel it was there

Human nature is an invention of mankind, ever expansive
Ever notice how nature doesn't need excuses for murder

When your feet get tired, your back stiff, and your mind bogged
you will do anything, i.e.: spend $20 on a sleepy pasta

I want to move to another continent
Where everyone I meet will know something I don't


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