
Playing it Harry Zimm

Well, this is much later than I expected - Direct from Mark's New Yorkpalooza, I was thrust into a nightmarish world of strange clubs and their VIP lounges, working through the Scene, such as it is, with Sarah. Then the inevitable toll of the Rockn'Roll lifestyle put me another week behind! !
Well, the Pirate thing is becoming a full blown trend -maybe that'll replace goths!
Before we begin, I want to point out [to paraphrase V ] that Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash, are not just pretty words -they are perspectives!

The western dream -
out - Bill Gates . . . . . . In -Sheik Mo
Ian the Buddhist returned from China. There are alot of amazing things to it - Strangely, there doesn't seem to be that much difference between a communist shopping mall and a capitolist one. The distribution of wealth is even more disproportionate than it is here. I'm not sure What to Make of All That - does it mean we could sell communism HERE, if we could reassure everyone they could keep their malls? Or does it mean that the PRC is doomed to a revolt of the have nots - a proletarian turn to . . .capitolism ? ? ?

It's become a cliche already to say 'The dream of the west is coming true - in the East!' - and yes, they seem to have caught the wave of our post WWII civilization. That's not to say that the USA couldn't build it's OWN Dubai, say, in Kansas. Imagine if we spent 34% of OUR budget on education!

Maybe the only thing in the way, is that Americans have no meaningful, inclusive, sense of themselves as a people. Around the globe, all sorts of persons are against Americans. Bernard Henri Levy referred to 'Anti-americanism' as the last religion left. Coming to America, you see americans sub-divided and against each other. The rest of the world bonds over disliking america, yet america has no paralell unifying force. In many ways, it's safer for the rest of the world, but you have to wonder . . . how long can it last.

Confront your inner Dwarf!

I'd like to put in a plug here for a book that has revealed ALOT to me. It is 'In the Little World: A True Story of Dwarfs, Love, and Trouble' - It is another one of those 'says it all' -but opens up just how universal ' it all ' is. Not a peek into a subculture - it blasts you into the metaculture. Here's a review note I agree with, so it must be good:
'In the Little World is one of the most honest books I have ever read, and through its honesty it arrives at a true and nearly radical compassion. It is honest about dwarfs, It is honest about journalisn, and it is honest, in particular about that which is most central to us : love, and its limits' -Tom Junod
Did you know that there is a term for the great anxiety, giddiness, or dislocation brought on by the sight of a dwarf, known as dwarf shock? [one of my best friends has such an unreasoning fear, she can't even abide the IDEA OF reading A BOOK ABOUT dwarfs. ] Did you know that dwarfs Themselves are most susceptible? ? ?

[ Word to you trainspotters out there - 'Dwarf' and 'Dwarfs' are the correct term today - not "there's 'midgets' and 'Dwarves' " like I was brought up on. -Actually, there are over 200 different syndromes that make up the little world. ]

There's more- this is a book about confronting YOURSELF, and your relationship to beauty. HOw holy your body really is to you. It's about looking under the rock in your soul and finding there are creepy-crawly things there. It's about realizing how riduculously attached we all are to our presumtions about our bodies. How destructive the idea that 'there is some kind of justice in the world' really can be. If you labor under the misapprehension that 'Deserve' has anything to do with it, just remember that issue when we talk about father's day in a bit!

And more. There are so many issues that are really universal - for example, Many Dwarf women feel that there are dwarf men who only go after the prettiest girls - and are angry and hurt by it.
Oppression and politics share a common root, growing out of our social interactions. I never realized how common the themes of compression, confrontation, fear of exposure, and anger are SOOOO prevalent. How much of the world revolves around people wanting to just be somewhere where people won't be looking at them weird - because they are white, or black, or short, or however we want to exclude or subdivide ourselves - And JUST HOW MUCH INSANE ANGER IS GENERATED BY THIS!
When the Astavakra Ghita says that all your unhappiness is caused by the existence of the other, [now you know! Wasn't that simple! ] it seems vague. Here it comes to life.

I was in a doctors waiting room this week, and an old couple walked in, and the man barked at her, saying 'does everyone have to know about your problems?!?!' -fear of exposure, expressed as anger
However- there is another side - ' the fascination is the form a certain repulsion assumes to conceal its fear'

Y'know, I'm taken by that word 'Your'
just now Y / our -interesting.

whoever, whatever you are, if you are different,
- and that choice is never up to you , - others will decide this for you:

" When you're my size and not being tormented by elevator buttons, drinking fountains and ATMs, you spend your life accomodating the sensibilities of 'Normal' people. You learn to bury your own feelings and honor theirs in the hope they'll meet you halfway. It becomes your job, and yours alone, to explain, to ignore, to forgive - over and over again. There's no way you can get around this. You do it if you want to have a life and not be corroded by your own anger. You do it if you want to belong to the human race. "
-Armistead Maupin, Maybe the Moon

which brings me to . . .

The Father's Day spectacular!
Father's day always sucked at my house. My dad never celebrated -he would always brood over his feelings of abandonment by HIS father, and the tribulations thereof. This is the first year in a while I haven't held an anti-fathers day - So I wanted to address a couple of things. When dealing with parent child relationships, there is a tendency towards AMPLIFICATION. And that can make things sticky. One thing I'm learning from my nephew is that there isn't really a way to have a childhood without frustration and trauma.

Neitzsche said 'All children begin by loving their parents, and end by judging them. Seldom, if ever, do they forgive them. ' [which, by the way, I'm waiting for someone to take to it's logical religous conclusion as children of God. Just who will judge who? We condone god by his inhumanity, yet expect parents to be more than human or be condemed. ]

I would like to give everyone who still has a father some advice, in the hopes you may avoid years of expensive therapy and poor life choices. [my own father, for example, joined the marines in order to out-soldier HIS father. ]

90% of our emotional activity here is either performing for our fathers ( - either looking for approval, or showing our ass ) - or wanting them to be someone else. And one day that show is over, and the theater is empty. You can keep performing, but there's no way to communicate how terrible, and REAL that finality is to you, when there just isn't a reason for it anymore.
It's something you can't know from the other side.
Here is my advice:
1] realize that the past is no longer. There isn't anything you can get now that applies there.
2]Ask what you want from this NOW. That's what you CAN have. There really isn't much in life that doesn't come down to emotions in the end.
3] Remember - these are emotional fruits - neither of you gets a prize for being 'Right".
You heard me.
The idea that you deserve one now is as destructive to the present as the idea 'you deserved what you got' was in the past.

Doug Kershaw, Johhny Cash's Cajun Protege, wrote a letter to his father, who'd commited suicide when he was seven.

" A peace to Mr Jack Kershaw
In care of God in heaven

From his son Mr. Doug Kershaw
in care of here.
Jack, today I've earned the right to say to you that I have PRIDE in your name, SHAMED your name, WORN your name, GIVEN your name to four, TAKEN your name from one but JACK, today JANUARY FOURTH, 1970, twentyseven years after you left me with only your name, your wife my mother, your sons my brothers, your fears, your courage, your weakness, and mind, three memories and one picture.
Your wife has said, not to me but to others, that I'm your image both in body and mind AH; but i'm taller than you Jack, by 3 and one half inches to be exact. But I'll never be as big a man as you are, only because you have been weighted by my scale and measured by my ruler and not by my sons . . .my offspring cannot possibly know your size cos it's only known through my eyes but your face they will know cos I carry it well and your name they will wear and wear without shame MR. KERSHAW, for today I claim I've earned you the right to be proud of your name, MR. KERSHAW.

Your son, MR. KERSHAW. "

And now -

EL Pirata excercises the Tercet -
This is from Marks Graduation weekend:
Awright Wok -I don't like you, and you don't like me,
- but one of us is getting a wershing!
do I want another one
They don't give me enough
Did you put ice to turn into water in the freezer?
How much do you have?
How much do you still want a girlfriend?
- Smells like caramelization in here!
I haven't thought of my neice as a bitch
-sounds like somebody's got a case of the s'posetas!
This is mentally . . . excellent
You are making my plan just crumble - just crumble! I just want some eggs!
Sorry about the Jews, but I gotta spit outside!

And that's all for today!


Blogger detroit joel said...

thank you sir...
not a better way to start my monday morning at work. thank you for your soul!

1:50 PM  
Blogger friars said...

felt like i was asleep during New York. thanx for renailing some of the highlights on that tercet. We had GingerMarySunshine even if Helios hid behind the weather. can't wait for our next summit... the air is heavy here and as richard hell said: "it's such a gamble when you get a face!"

--el vikingo of the blank generation

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gusto grabing lifestyle is the root of commercially oriented beings"--the search for intelligent life.


6:34 PM  

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