

Part one - Clearing the set . . . and Death of a Douchebag

For whatever reason, It's a fatal time.

My imagination was caught by the Dead Clebrity trio of

Jean Boudrillard, [ who now that he's safely deceased, is taking his long deserved place as the next link in the philosophic chain after Foucalt and Derrida. ]

Don Ho, [ Having just rediscovered him during the switch to vinyl the week of his death, It seems safe to say he was the Hawaiian Dean Martin. ]

and Kurt Vonnegut. [ whom I'd finally read a book by this year - the latest, man without a country. While never partaking of his literature, I enjoyed his interviews tremendously over the years - particularly during the miserable Reagan Era, which we are still more or less in the throes of . . .]

And no sooner had these ruminations begun, TRIOs of trios began dropping like flies . . . Sir Graves Ghastly, who everyone will miss, and then Jerry Falwell, WHo . . . well, sometimes all you can do is point and laugh. Rob told me over the phone, and I danced a little Jig of Delight on the front porch. I haven't been so cheered by a death since Kurt Cobain was rubbed out by the Reverend Horton Heat . . . [ Well, talk to Billyzebubba if the real story matters to you . . .]

Yes, Falwell is gone, and it's tempting to try to pick out golden moments . . . Though the time he and fellow imbecile Pat Robertson blamed the 9/11 attacks on unwed mothers has to be the topper. It's hard not to laugh, but alot of people took him seriously. In fact, when he began posing for photo-ops with Reagan - that was the time the Evangelical community felt their beliefs deserved a POLITICAL EXPRESSION. He was a key figure in moving the right so FAR to the right that even today we have diffuculty finding the center. His career did alot of damage to the USA. I worry that no one will replace Kurt Vonnegut - but I'm glad no one can replace Fallwell.

Part Two: Shallow Graves.

If there are two things that worry me, it is that I find myself discussiong in several states the respective returns of Nuclear Power and Hillary CLinton.

SO far these seem comfortably unconnected, like rumors of zombies in far away places. ( - and with the current pork barrel frenzy over subsidies for biofuels, it doesn't seem like we'll be glowing in the dark anytime soon,) but if anyone is in want of a reminder, or material for argument - check out the wikipedia entries for Rocky Flats [ THRILL tosee how a plant VITAL TO NATIONAL SECURITY with at least a modicum of oversight is mismanaged again and again ] and Karen Silkwood. {gasp in horror at the civillian version! ! } { in fact, this week Kerr-Magee is in dutch with the epa again }

Since Global warming is like, so totally hot right now, the idea that as a technology Nuclear power is somehow GREENER is out there. [by the way, who is claiming that besides the Nuclear industry?] . . .except that the KINDS of pollution, including those released into the atmoshpere [dioxin, carbon tetrachloride, etc ] are the worst toxins known, and these are just the routine problems. Europe was very nearly destroyed by the chernobyl disaster. [ It's an interesting defense mechanism to think that's trite, or alarmist, but that's the legacy of 8 years of bushspeak.] In fact, the only reason Pravda can give for why Chernobyl didn't explode is the intevention of helpful flying saucers! Since I have yet to see Aliens endorse a candidate in the weekly world news, ( which has a better track record that most pollsters, oddly enough ) I don't feel here in the US it's a very wise move to go backwards. Of course, the Germans seem to have rendered the whole issue obsolete. I hope.

The case of Hillary is more puzzling to me. I had thought it would come to an open and shut Obama Vs. Guiliani showdown, but things are muddier now. Usually, I watch the foreign news, and the candidates they bother following have always become the front runners. This has never failed me in 20 years. Better than the weekly world news. AND the BBC, for example, WAS tracking Obama . . . and then . . . Chaos.

If we GET our Barack/ Rudy showdown, It'll be a far better thing. . . if we're left with some kind of cheap Edwards/ Romney nonsense, It'll turn a whole NEW generation off from politics, and Arnold Scharzenegger will rule America until the year 2020!

[ watch the current immigration legislation to see his loophole! ]

But Hillary . . . It's always a strange feeling to see the times you lived through in a history book.

The last 20 years, in Green Christines class, are titled ' the rise of partisanship ' - it would seem that by now the REWARDS thereof are understood clearly enough, [yet only Schwarzenegger has claimed to be 'beyond political parties .' ] The Clinton strategy - to be so conservative as to steal republican support in red states can't work - the red states HATE her. In fact, the Democratic party as a whole has never won on the idea that they should be so conservative as to be indistinguisable from their opponents. But they are still trying. It's like teaching poodles to fly by throwing them out the window. [ 'Oh, that one ALMOST made it . . .' ]

If anyone wants a gaze at the Electoral distribution [ http://www.fec.gov/pages/elecvote.htm ]

It doesn't look good for Hillary.

But that's not the point. It's always been a queasy feeling for the hipster world that Hunter S. Thompson didn't like the Clintons. In retrospect, his words seem to have been born out -

' And then I remembered the ancient story of the Old Woman and the Snake . . . When I dealt with Richard Nixon, there was never any question about who was the old woman and who was the snake, and I suspect that is why I got along better with him than I do with Bill Clinton. Nixon was so agressively evil that he almost glowed at night. His political instincts were so dangerous that he made the politics of total opposition honorable for two generations of the best people in america. . . We had no choice, really. Nixon was like that 16-wheel peterbilt in that famous cult movie about the desperate traveling salesman who gets chased across the desert by a kill- crazy semi with no driver. The monster truck pursued him at insane speeds, through gas pumps and phone booths, and even over cliffs, but he never knew WHY. . .

He was weird, Bubba. He played in a league where Clinto will never be anything but a batboy. Nixon was a monster with insanely wrong convictions. Clinton is a humorless punk with bad habits. Nixon was so bad that he could get innocent people INTO politics, but Clinton is bad in a way that will get all but the worst ones out. . .' - HST, Better Than Sex: confessions of a political junkie.

More than that. It's been shown that to wage a dirty, negative campaign drives down voter turnout. So we can expect some intersting things this time out, I'm sure, and this is where Hillary is the most vulnerable. Looking back, and taking Hunter's words into consideration, I would propose that the death of Vince Foster was AT LEAST as significant for the politics of my era than the Death of John F Kennedy was for his. With completely differing effects, of course, and that's something we should watch closely as a new era is creating itself. . . .

To say that Vince Foster is Hillary Clinton's Chappaquiddick is probably too simple [ see wikipedia for a daily battle of alarming back and forth editing!] [ Or Uncle Hunter's ' The Horrible 'Suicide' of Vincent Foster and why it destroyed the best minds in the white house" ]

At a time when Zoe Baird was on the ropes, Ken Starr had Webb Hubbel up for multiple felonies [ AND good Ol' Webb was promising to talk for immunity ] . . . THEN there was the case of Hillary 's friend who was serving jail time for contempt [ refusing to testify ] . . . suddenly there's a very convenient death and everyone clams up. Small wonder Kenn Starr shifted the investigation's focus to sex - with the disproportionate numbers of Clinton bodyguards turning up dead, it seemed like something they were concerned about . . .

AND of course, it all did more good than harm. Bill was literally In Like Flynn, and nobody bothered to look anymore . . .

But alot of people got off the boat in those days.

' He was sitting with the Concerned Clergymen under the cross they had erected. He was thinking, bitterly, that they should have erected a tombstone instead. It should have said 'here lies the New Deal.

Here lies the belief that all Evil is on the other side, among the reactionaries and the Ku Kluxers . . .'

- Robert ANton Wilson

In the end, that only gave us George Bush.


The reason this is such a hot topic right now is because of IRAN.

The Republicans agreed to drop the Vince Foster case if the Democrats would drop this ' October Suprise ' scandal . . . if the Persian goes down the way I expect it to, certain actions of say, the presidents father may be interpreted as TREASON. And it couldn't happen to a better bunch.

There are certainly enough players left to make all this happen - after all Webb Hubbel is still alive and hapily blogging away . . . and who knows what players like Adnan Khasoggi might be willing to bring to the table. stay tuned . . .

On the Republican side . . .well, the farce of a debate should be a warning to us all on the state of American education. If you havn't seen Idiocracy yet, it might still surprise you . . .

My favorite moment so far has been when Romney as caught lying about his hunting to the 2nd amendment lobby - and the next day his staff claimed it was a misunderstanding - everyone should just GET OVER IT - he was, after all, only trying to show support . . . Indeed. The next day his slogan should have been - 'Mitt Romney - He CARES enough to LIE '

ANYway, I have more to say, but this needed to clear out for next time . . .

- El Pirata


Blogger friars said...

i didn't want it to end--more!--as Jonny Rocko would say, more!


3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

centertainment at high volume

3:47 AM  

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