
Fog Fog Fog

There is something I am seeing, but don’t know if it is real. What is the difference between fog and darkness? Blinding light and the absence of light? Being totally aware or being utterly ignorant?

I am not wrong to blame, I am safe in that assumption. I know that the economy is a business; it is a thing and is not tied to other things like democracy, productivity and greed. It is deeply needed for someone to say, “what if we didn’t have this economy?” We can have the economic party versus the non-economic party. There was a law struck down in 1933 by the supreme court* of the United State which was trying to limit personal wealth to one million. My friend Paul says, “That would be like a half a billion today,” is that so bad?

Richard Dreyfus told me today at dinner (jealous much?!?), “I am a political animal, and I am outspoken because I believe in my politics.” He went on to topics such as the Middle East (This is God’s test), the Presidency (he didn’t endorse) and the drastic need for civics in elementary school.

I think that Presidential candidates should have to tell us who their team will be also; we have the time to listen and many of us want to know. Anyone that has worked for public organizations knows that the president only listens, decides and delegates, his right hand women make the action happen.

I was almost a caller on Diane Rehms show on Friday. My question to the experts was: What are the true numbers of U.S. citizens in Iraq? Would the Army be a better working organization if the privatized companies weren’t there? Do you think it hurts morale for a soldier to learn that a contractor is making ten times the money that he is? Do we pay them more up front to not provide a pension?

I am sure we are in a fog. I am sure we are made to be lazy by a lack of proper challenge in our youth. I think I have been affected by bad information, a condition I must try to remedy in others, even if just my own children.

“How many of you know how much of the information industry is owned by one person? Yep, his names Murdoch and he owns fifty percent. The other two guys wear the same suits. That is illegal. It is a crime.”

“Why did we let Helen Thomas take a fall? When did we forget ‘I don’t work for you Mr. President, you work for me, now, answer the Goddamned question?’ When did we forgive our journalists for not asking the question for the fourth time?”


* Windows tries to make me capitalize supreme court, the nationalist bastards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting... I am having lunch on Tuesday with a Gail Dreyfuss... hmmm.

Sometimes, I think the word isn't about the thing (see economy etc.) but a way to recognize each other.


4:22 AM  

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